What is the meaning behind yin and yang?

What is the principle of Yin and Yang?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) one of the basis principles lies with in yin and yang. Everything in life is quantified as yin or yang by how they react and compare to each other. It is a reminder that everything in the universe is connected even when they are opposites.

The small dot in the symbol is there to symbolise that nothing is ever fully yin or yang. Together they create a whole, one cannot be with out the other. The fiery strong passionate yang needs the quiet feminine, dark energy of the yin to create harmony.

Examples of Yin and Yang

Examples of Yin ~ Night, dark, earth, cold, moon, vegetables, winter, contracting, downwards, rest, blood, feminine

Examples of Yang ~ Day, light, heavens, hot, sun, meat, summer, expanding, upwards, movement, qi (energy), masculine

Each element in Traditional Chinese Medicine has a pair of organs that is hightened during the season linked to that element. One organ that is linked to yin and the other to yang. The yin organs are the ones that produce, transform and regulate substances such as Qi (energy), blood and other bodily fluids. The yang organs deal with digestion and transporting the nutrients around the body. The principle is you need equal amounts of each to live in harmony.

By undertaking lots of 'yang' activities (those that take up a lot of energy and cause stress in the body) and by not balancing it with periods of yin energy deficiencies will form. The more busy energy you have the more organs get deficient. We naturally live more yang lifestyles in line with modern day living and often forget to slow down which leads to various health issues. Creating moments of yin and time for quiet in your day can really help you to nourish your body and bring it back into balance, adding foods and drinks can further add an extra level of support and can be really beneficial when you can't find the time for stillness because of work and life commitments.

Examples of moments of yin

Creating moments of yin in your day such as these below help to balance out the yang can lead to living in more harmony mentally and physically. Taking moments to rest is especially important for hormone balance and optimal fertility. We live in fast pace societies full of yang energy and when we do not balance this out it can lead to hormonal disharmonies and trouble conceiving.


-Spend time in nature

-Ground yourself

-A walk




-Watching a good film

-Taking a nap


-Listening to your body

-Drinking a yin elixir or calming tea

-Being still

-Having a bath




-Yoga and gentle exercise

-Using essential oils in your day


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