About Amy,

I am a multi passionate libra sun seeking out balance and harmony within the lives of others and the life I lead.

I support women in their fertile years to reconnect to their innate wisdom, so they can heal from irregular cycles, painful bleeds and have the knowledge of how to awaken their fertility.

I do this by creating transformative spaces and experiences that weave together the eastern and western, and the physical and energetic aspects of healing.

Just as flowers and trees have their own unique beauty and purpose so do we. What works for one isn’t meant for another.

We all have different medicine.

I believe

~ In focusing on the symptom and not placing the power in the diagnosis

~ In healing from the root up

~ Mother nature is our biggest teacher

~ Health is wealth and should be our biggest investment

~ Healing should be fun and simple

~ Your body already knows exactly what it needs to do

~ There is another way

~ In seeing mental, physical and emotional health as one

By looking into all aspects that make us who we are, what we consume and the ways in which we live, we can create a space to start our journey to ‘rebalance from within.’

My story

Hi, I'm Amy.

4 years ago after burning out in a career in theatre I really started to question my life and rediscover who I was. I realised how out of balance I was in my life. I was feeling stuck, exhausted, constantly bloated, hated my bleed. When I started to heal, and learn more about myself I found myself down many paths of shadow and light, exploring so many different modalities and healing practices from energy healing to nutrition.

For a long time, I was disconnected from my body, particularly my womb space controlling my bleed with the pill, feeling frustrated by it and pushing my body to burn out thinking it was me that wasn't enough.

I’d always questioned western medicine and felt disconnected from the rhythms of western ways and felt there must be another way to live this life.

Slowly I learnt to reconnect with the natural rhythms, I trained in holistic nutrition, reiki, sound, hormonal health and more. All of this work allowed me to flow with Mother Nature instead of against her. I spent 18 months healing my body from the effects of the pill deepening my work into hormone health and using food as medicine to achieve a fertile body. I really believe you can be your own healer too.

My story continued..

Intertwined with my journey has been a narrative of low self worth and confidence which is a cloak I have worn for a lot of my life. I’m sure a lot of this has been steeped in ancestral patterns and traumas. Unpacking this and rewriting my story has been a deep remembrance of my innate power.

I’ve now learnt how to nurture a life that creates balance, joy, ease, freedom and harmony from within through working with my cycle and so Rebalance from Within was born in 2022.

Besides a love for plants, fertility, Eastern and vibrational medicine, you’ll also find me talking about my daily loves list which I’m guessing you love too: Nature, Spaciousness, Adventure, Herbs, Vibration, Tea, Lists, Magic, Shells, Stones

I believe an integral part of living a expansive and fertile life is taking a circular approach when it comes to healing and our health. By looking into all aspects that make us who we are, what we consume and the ways in which we live.

Rebalance from Within brings together different modalities to support you in your journey to find harmony within your cycles and hormones. I bring together eastern and western principles to find a new way that respects both rhythms bringing about lasting peace and empowerment to be your own healer.

My Accredited Training

  • Most recently I dived deeper into the world of hormone health with Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

  • I am a certified holistic health practitioner accredited with Academy of Healing Nutrition.

  • I’m certified in holistic facial’s and trained with Relax LDN.

  • I learnt acupressure and TCM facials with John Tindal at the Yuan Clinic and traditional medicine college.

  • I have a Level 1 tuning fork certification and 1 and 2 in sound healing with The sound Healing Academy and Silence and Noise.

  • Attuned to embodied reiki level two through Embodied Energy Training.

  • I have trained in women’s circles with The Goddess Space.

Behind all of this has been many hours on other courses, reading books and receiving messages from nature.

  • 1-1 hormone and fertility support

    As a holistic practitioner I look at a 360 degree approach to look for the root cause of an imbalance or to improve your health.

  • Rebalancing rituals

    A ritual for you to return home to your body. interweaving physical touch with vibrational healing such as reiki, sound and crystals.

  • Crystal Bracelets

    A physical touch point and reminder of an intention and affirmation you are working with.

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Taking the power of our hormone health, cycles and fertility back into our own hands.