Awaken Fertility

A 12 week 1-1 Holistic Health & Nutrition program for women in their fertile years to enjoy pain free cycles, awaken their fertility and connect to your innate body wisdom, to put healing back into your own hands.

Limited availability for new clients applications open from 16-31st July

You’re here because..

You are a woman in your fertile years, interested in a more natural approach to health and fertility, through both Eastern and Western medicine. You’ve recently decided you want to start trying for a baby or know you want one someday. After spending most of your life actively trying to avoid pregnancy, you're now starting to think about conception and how to become more fertile. You want to educate yourself in more holistic and natural ways to optimise your fertility, live with pain free cycles and achieve balanced hormones.

If this is you, keep reading..

Pain free bleeds, No bloating, Awakened fertility, Another way, No more acne, No more pills

Pain free bleeds, No bloating, Awakened fertility, Another way, No more acne, No more pills

Does this sound familiar?

~ Maybe you’ve struggling to get pregnant or have been diagnosed with Endometriosis or PCOS and don’t know how to improve your symptoms. Perhaps you have been told you have unexplained infertile, your egg count is low and your chances of getting pregnant are getting slimmer with your age.

~ Perhaps you’ve came off the pill and are starting to think about conception but your cycle hasn’t yet returned to a 27-33 days, with minimal pain and 4-5 day bleeds with obvious signs of ovulation…

~ Your bleed feels unpredictable, it’s irregular, painful and you feel resentment towards its arrival.  You are not sure how it will impact what you’ve got going on in your diary and you want to feel a little more in control.

~ You resist slowing down and feel frustrated you can’t get as much done as you’d like to, whether that’s getting through your to do list, keeping your home organised or having to cancel plans with friends as you just can’t keep up.

~ You have been told there’s nothing wrong with you and your tests have come back clear but you’re intuition is telling you otherwise. You’re feeling let down by the GP and the western medicine system.

~ You generally feel disconnected from your womb space, the area of your body linked to creativity. You’ve lost trust with your body and it feels like it’s against you. You feel like you lack creativity, things feel stagnant and you’re craving a little more flow in your life.

~ You think you’re eating healthily enjoying porridge for breakfast and raw salads for lunch, so you can’t work out why most days you feel so sluggish, exhausted, uncomfortable and bloated.

~You’re waking up tired even after 8 hours sleep, you find your mood is all over the place, whether it’s extreme anger at your partner not taking out the bins or sadness that makes you want to hide away but you have no idea why.

Scroll down to see how I can help you enjoy pain free cycles, awaken your fertility and connect to your innate body wisdom.

Put healing back into your own hands.

How would it feel to:

~ Feel empowered and educated when it comes to your fertility. Focusing on the positives, and to have all the knowledge needed for having the greatest chance of naturally conceiving. Through knowing this, improving and supporting your symptoms to live a life no longer dictated by them.

~ No longer rely on western medicine and taking power back into your own hands, understanding what your symptoms mean and how to naturally support and heal them. Returning to a regular pain free bleed, hormonal balance and knowing exactly when your fertile window is.

~ To know exactly what happens internally at each stage of your cycle and how to uterlise your energy fluctuations throughout it. To be able to give yourself permission to slow down when you need to rest instead of powering through.

~ Trust that your body is working for you, being able to read the signs of dis-harmony, say no to more pills and to know you are creating the perfect internal home for you and a potential baby.

~ Be living a life full of joy, harmony and inspiration looking forward for what ever the future holds.

~ Fall back in love with cooking again knowing exactly what foods optimise fertility, balance hormones and how to access their full nutritional value.

~ Have the knowledge of how to eat to wake up feeling energised, no longer having to rely on coffee to get through the day and at the end of the month surprised by what you have achieved. Your emotions feel balanced and you have the ability to regulate and feel calm after stressful situations.

~ Find someone who brings together Eastern and Western principles, the physical and the energetic’s of healing to find a new way. Respecting all rhythms to bring about lasting harmony.

If you are resonating with all of this keep scrolling

Here’s the thing…

The real reason you're suffering from all of these symptoms is because your hormones aren’t balanced. Unbalanced hormones manifest in so many ways from bloating, acne and irregular cycles to PCOS, ENDO and unexplained infertility.

I believe there is so much gaslighting going on in western medicine around hormone health and fertility. You don’t need to go back on the pill, it isn’t normal, you might not need IVF and you certainly don’t need to live with chronic symptoms that are dictating your life.

There’s no reason why if you have balanced hormones and a regular healthy cycle you won’t be able to successfully naturally conceive.

Introducing Awaken fertility

A 12 week 1-1 Holistic Health & Nutrition program for women in their fertile years to enjoy balanced hormones, pain free cycles and awakened fertility. Putting the healing and empowerment back into your own hands.

Getting to the root cause of your imbalance, healing any symptoms you are experiencing and working towards balancing your hormones so you can have a regular cycle and a fertile body.

1 - Seed

In the initial session we will plant the seed of your intention for our time together. First we will explore why you are here and why you may be suffering from irregular cycles, painful bleeds, acne, PCOS, ENDO, unexplained infertility and put together a plan to start healing.

2 - Nurture

Together we will create a bespoke healing protocol including the exact food and lifestyle adjustments needed to optimise your body for conception. We will focus on rebalancing your hormones, detoxing from excess toxins and how to gain the most out of your cycle to support optimum fertility.

3 - Roots

Having formed solid roots of knowledge around your hormones and cycles. You will finish our journey feeling inspired and empowered, confidently go on with your fertility journey.

What’s included

~ 1 x 90 minute online deep dive session
~ 5 x 60 minute holistic health coaching sessions
~ 2 : 60 minute distance reiki sessions

~ Voice note and email support throughout the 12 weeks for the days when you need a little extra support.

~ Holistic Health Journal to track our journey together.

~ Prior to our session you will be asked to fill out an in-depth health history form helping me to start to notice any patterns and where the root of the symptoms may lie.



Pay in full: £1555.00 or
3 monthly instalments of £518.33

Applications open 16th-31st July

My Approach

I bring together eastern and western health principles because in the middle is where we find balance. Weaving the physical with the energetic aspects of healing.

Eastern is very much the yin side of medicine, looking to the root cause, prevention, seeing the body as a whole and starting with diet and lifestyle adjustments. The Western more yang side plays a huge part in healing but I feel often relies too heavily on masking problems, and focusing too much on the diagnoses not where the symptom has originated from, meaning we don’t find long lasting harmony.

By bringing together the science backed western side of hormone health and the deeper practises of eastern medicine that have been practised for thousands of years we find a really solid foundation of knowledge for hormone balance.


Meet your holistic coach

Welcome to Rebalance from Within, I’m Amy. This is a place for you to reconnect to your innate wisdom.

For a long time, I was disconnected from my body, particularly my womb space. I was on the contraceptive pill for 12 years before deciding to come off it to prep my body for pregnancy. I knew at that time I didn’t want a baby but that I did in the future. I spent 18 months learning all I could to heal and replenishing my body post pill to have a regular pain free cycle and ovulation. I now live each month with a fertile body, feeling energetic, no bloating, bleeds that come with very little to no pain and feel very grounded in who I am.

Now I share everything I have learnt with you through various healing modalities.


  • Naturally we love to see quick results and unfortunately holistic healing can take time. I often see women who haven’t tried things for long enough or don’t have the support they needed, leaving them feeling disheartened. You can buy all the fancy powders and suppluments you like but if the foundations aren’t in place you won’t see the desired results. So much of our hormone health is down to having a solid foundation of knowledge which most of us are not taught. Over the 12 weeks you will gain this knowledge as well as the support and accountability you need on your journey to awaken your fertility.

  • I only offer one off sessions to people who have worked with me previously or who I feel it can benefit. 12 weeks allows us to journey through 3 inner ovulation and menstruation cycles allowing me to build a really clear picture of what is going on and needed to balance your hormones. 12 weeks is also the time it takes for an egg to develop if pregnancy is your desire.

  • I don’t believe in labels or bringing shame to foods. I’m about eating in a way that suits and nourishes your unique body and hormone health. This for me doesn’t involve restriction of food groups unless really necessary and always with the aim of reintroducing. My focus is on giving you the knowledge in how to eat in a supportive way for you and your hormones. This normally just involves small tweaks and additions.

  • I want to make it clear I cannot fix or heal you. The only person who can do that is you! However I will provide you with all the tools, support and guidance to understand your cycle, hormones and how to awaken your fertility. Healing from the root takes time, it is not a quick fix but it is a long term solution. What I teach you is knowledge that will last a life time and be past down through you.

  • Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. I works by rebalancing your bodies energy dispersing stagnant energy to create flow within. Often energetics plays a huge role in hormone imbalances and upsets. I have found pairing knowledge and energetic healing to be very powerful in getting to the root cause and healing symptoms. I am happy to talk more about this in your free 20 minute call.

  • I received my holistic health practitioner certification with Academy of Healing Nutrition and furthered my studies into hormone health with The Intirute of Integral Nutrition. I am also trained in holistic facials, reiki and sound healing. Outside of all of this I have done many short courses and awoken my fertility post pill for more information head to the about me page.

  • Absolutely I am here to support your your journey for as long as you need me. I offer one off 1-1’s from previous clients or another full package if that is are called towards.

  • Yes I want this work to be as accessible to as many people as it can be.

    You can pay in 3 payments of £ =

  • Please only sign up if you are committed to doing the full journey with me as there will be no refunds once you sign up

How fertile am I? Take the Quiz!

Are you curious about your fertility health? Take my fertility assessment Quiz to gain insights into key factors affecting your fertility and learn just how much you know.