Cycles of Harmony

An online self study series/course for women who want to harness the power of cyclical living so they can nurture a fertile body, experience regular, pain free bleeds, reduce bloating and improve mental health and creativity.

Introducing Cycles of Harmony is the course I wish I had when I came off the pill in my late 20’s and what I wish my teachers had taught me as part of during sex ed at school, all in one place with easy to watch videos.

Cycles of Harmony
One time
For 2 months

Everything you need to start your journey in understanding your cycle to create pain free bleeds and cycles and awaken your fertility

✓ Understanding your cycle
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Knowledge of what foods to eat during your cycle

Cycles of Harmony is perfect for women who:

  • Tend to dread their bleed when it comes each month when it's accompanied with bloating, painful cramps or chronic acne.

  • Don't want to conceive yet but do want come off the pill

  • Feel burnt out from working 24/7 and struggle to slow down

  • Want to work more efficiently by optimising their energy

  • Want to educate themselves on their cycle so they can educate their children.

We will be exploring..

  • The 4 rhythms of our hormones during each week of our cycle and what happens to our skin, gut, energy and during phase.

  • How to use food and lifestyle tweaks to nurture and nourish each week so you know what to prepare and when.

  • How the outer seasons can be used as a tool to support our inner cycle and fertility

  • Signs of a healthy and not so healthy summer, autumn, winter and spring.

You'll learn..

  • The different seasons of each week of your cycle and why you. might be feeling anxiety that cripples your day, irritability and getting annoyed at the tiniest of things, bloating + sore breasts two weeks after your bleed.

  • The physical + emotional changes to expect during each week of your cycle.

  • How to optimise each week when it comes to your work, home and social life.

  • What foods to eat to get the most out of each week so you can balance your hormones for healthy skin, vibrant energy and conception (if that's you plan!).

  • How to love your cycle rather than feeling frustrated by it.

Here’s the thing…

We are a generation that has suppressed their ability to conceive and wasn’t taught about their hormones, cycles or bodies leaving us questioning and heart broken when we don’t easily naturally conceive.

We have been let down time and time again when it comes to our hormone health and fertility wether thats is because our mothers didn’t have the knowledge, society failed to teach us it at school, the GP has no other options and doesn’t disclose the side effects or because western medicine doesn’t look at the bigger picture.

I want you to take the power back into your own hands, to feel educated when it comes to your hormones and cycles, so you can achieve pain free cycles and awakened fertility wether you want to conceive now or want to safe guard your fertility for the further.

Hormone health is recognised now as the 6th vital sign of health let’s start acknowledging its importance the way eastern and traditional medicine always has.

Cycles of Harmony
One time
For 2 months

Everything you need to start your journey in understanding your cycle to create pain free bleeds and cycles and awaken your fertility

✓ Understanding your cycle
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Knowledge of what foods to eat during your cycle

Meet your holistic hormone coach

Welcome to Rebalance from Within, I’m Amy. This is a place for you to reconnect to your innate wisdom.

For a long time, I was disconnected from my body, particularly my womb space. I was on the contraceptive pill for 12 years before deciding to come off it to prep my body for pregnancy. I knew at that time I didn’t want a baby but that I did in the future. I spent 18 months learning all I could to heal and replenishing my body post pill to have a regular pain free cycle and ovulation. I now live each month with a fertile body, feeling energetic, no bloating, bleeds that come with very little to no pain and feel very grounded in who I am.

Now I share everything I have learnt with you through various healing modalities.

How fertile am I? Take the Quiz!

Are you curious about your fertility health? Take my fertility assessment Quiz to gain insights into key factors affecting your fertility and learn just how much you know.