What are affirmations and how can they benefit my life?

I am always enough


I am loved unconditionally


I am held


I am supported


~ My life is filled with abundance and light ~

I am always enough ~ I am loved unconditionally ~ I am held ~ I am supported ~ ~ My life is filled with abundance and light ~

What is an affirmation?

An affirmation is a positive personal statement written and said in the present tense. They support us by teaching our brains new ways to think about the situations we might be facing or the broken belief that is holding us back. Firing up our neural pathways making changes to those areas of the brain that makes you positive and happy.

Over time they will support us over come self sabotaging and negative thoughts helping us to feel safe and meet the change with a new found energy. Affirmations are a powerful tool to use daily in your self care practise negative beliefs run deep and it takes time to retrain our minds. They work best if you repeat them over a period of time, a number of times a day or after working with a few you can pick them up when you need their support.

I have used affirmations regularly for the past 4 years throughout my self worth journey. As I worked out the broken beliefs I held I started to write affirmations around those and now I have ones I use daily depending on my day, where I am in my cycle or depending on my thoughts. Mixing them up and finding new ones when I need. Each year I choose a word I want to embody instead of a resolution and use that to empower my year. Affirmations I find work really well along side my health coaching as we hold a lot of beliefs around the way we eat and how we live.

Having a physical touch point I have found to really help fully embody the word I am working with as it is a constant reminder. That is where the idea for my crystal bracelets came from. Crystals and affirmations pair so well because the energy and properties of the crystal reinforces the affirmation. By wearing the affirmation on your wrist you are constantly reminded of your intention which in turn helps to rewrite negative beliefs in your head. 

How and when to use an affirmation

Repetition is key when it comes to affirmations, find the times that work for you but as a foundation start saying them.

-In the morning as part of your morning routine (start your day with a positive start)

-At lunch time or early afternoon (as a way of reaffirming)

-Just before you go to sleep (so you go to sleep feeling calm and at peace)

to help build up a routine.

Repeat it every time that broken/limiting belief creeps into your head.

Simple tips to help you write an affirmation

~ Keep it brief

~ Keep it in the present tense

~ Keep it positive

~ Be specific

~ Write it everywhere, have it as your phone screen saver, write in on your fridge, have them in your journal.

~ Know that even if you feel far away from believing in the affirmation statement. It doesn't mean you will never believe!

My crystal bracelets at Medicine Festival 2022


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