What is Reiki and should I be having it?

What is reiki?

Reiki (Ray-Key) is a Japanese energy healing linage brought back to the modern times and awareness by Master Mikao Usui a Japanese monk in the early 20th century. It is a form of energy healing that works on the principle of channeling universal life force energy to promote healing and relaxation. It promotes stress reduction and the dispelling of stagnant energy which allows energy to flow and healing to take place.

Energy healing itself has been around since the dawn of time with many healers, witches, shamans, medicine people past and present using it. It is said the energy of reiki can support anyone or anything, where the energy is needed it will automatically be drawn to.

Rei,” meaning universal

“Ki,” meaning life energy - vital life source that flows through all of us

A deeper look into energy healing

Energy healing can be practised both hands on and off the body, it also can be sent distantly to the receiver or situation. It is a reminder I believe that we are all so connected as people but also to the animals, the trees and the wider sense of nature. Energy healing is connecting to everything thats bigger than us. Over the past 4 years I have been learning all about energy and how dis-ease can form when we don’t have a free flowing river internally. Eastern medicine and traditional medicine practises the importance of this as well as the connection to our earth. Most translations of words for ‘energy’ within these cultures translates as life force. This vital energy that we all hold within and the importance to understand it.

What can I expect from a session?

Reiki can help us deeper our understanding of this energy and help us to work with it. It is a natural non invasive treatment that works often through the chakra points or energy centres in our body. During a treatment you will be invited to find a comfortable position before being led into a mediation or place of stillness. The giver will then do a body scan to detect that areas where more energy is felt and the aim is to smooth this out.

As our energy and what we need is always different each reiki session will be unique. Some sessions may feel more calming and leave you feeling uplifted, relaxed and rebalanced like you have awoken from a nap. Some sessions will offers a deeper insight into areas we may need to work on and provided us with questions to explore. Or even more clarity over a situation that has been bringing up a lot of stress or emotions. This energy can be very expansive as we aren’t always just working with our own energy sometimes that of our ancestors and beliefs we carry can come through in sessions offering ancestor healing. It is very normal to feel emotional or emotions shifting throughout, after and even if the days after. Emotions are energy is motion so your body is just moving through any stagnation that may of been present.

Often temperature changes or tingling sensations can be felt through out the sessions but sometimes nothing at all is felt and it is a practise of trust. As reiki is a powerful release it is important to drink a lot of water after as with any treatment to help flush out the toxins and hydrate the body allowing our waters within to free flow once more. Journaling can also be a really lovely practise after as a self exploration into your session and pulling oracle cards can offer further guidance.

On a final note it is important to touch on if you need further guidance after a session to get back in touch with the person who has offered you reiki and they will either be able to further assist you or guide you towards someone else that will be of support. As I have said reiki is powerful and can bring up at certain points intense emotions and feelings that need to be worked through in a safe way with support.

If you are interested in trying it out for ourself you can book via the button below.


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