Embodied reiki

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. The practise itself has been around since the dawn of time with many healers, witches, shamans, medicine folk past and present using it.

Energy healing helps to rebalance the energetics in body encouraging a healthy flow. It helps to lower stress, encourage healing, remove blockages, build immunity as well as many other things.

“Rei,” meaning universal “Ki,” meaning life energy

What to expect from our session

As our energy and what we need is always different each reiki session will also be unique. Some sessions may feel more calming and leave you feeling uplifted, relaxed and rebalanced, some sessions will offers us a deeper insight into areas we may need to work on and provided us with questions to explore. The practise in embodied energy healing is to remove stagnation and distribute possibly bringing this energy through motion to the surface sometimes being released in emotion.

Benefits can include

~Deep relaxation

~Removing stagnant energy associated with hormonal pain and upset

~Heightened states of consciousness

~Reduction of stress and mental exhaustion

~Activation of creativity and intuition

~Improvement of cognitive function

~Strengthened nervous system

~Holistic pain management and improvement

~Improvement of immune system

~Restoration of overall energy and vitality

~Improvement of overall sleep quality

~Natural feelings of release and healing

~Harmonisation of emotional and physical wellbeing

~Connection with your guides, ancestors and spirit team

I offer both in person and distance sessions lasting around 60minutes (it can differ depending on the need)

Picking between distant and in person sessions is a personal choice some people like to physically be in the space with me whilst others enjoy the flexibility of being able to to fit their session in and around their schedules and like not having to travel anywhere post session.

Why not extend your time ~ Your worth it! My signature treatment offers a 90 minute session interweave a facial treatment with reiki, sound and crystal healing.

Kind words

The power of words

I often talk about the power of words in my health coaching and we set intentions and affirmations to guide you along on this journey to better health.

If you are interested in also improving your relationship with food, rebalancing your body or after healing on a deeper level click below to see what my health coaching sessions are all about.